addio a Flash in Chrome alla fine del 2020. come si stanno organizzando i programmatori ? visto che funziona in flash .
addio a Flash in Chrome alla fine del 2020. come si stanno organizzando i programmatori ? visto che funziona in flash .
Io a suo tempo, in un mio post, lo dissi, già, comunque, ci ha dato soltanto che noie, e quindi, ne sono contento al 50%!
Dear players,
As BB_Alex already wrote in the test server forum, no DSO2 or HTML5 client is planned. Nevertheless, we have the flash situation in mind and are working on different ways to tackle the problem of the Flash player, which will be eliminated by 2020 at the latest. One idea is a standalone client, similar to the one we are currently using. - We are NOT working on HTML 5 or DSO 2.0. - We are indeed working on a plan for a time when Flash is no longer supported by browsers.
We will not release any HTML5 version of DSO. What will work, however, if the browser doesn't want to run Flash anymore, is our downloadable client. The so-called "Slim Browser". It doesn't make a hole in the system because it can't be used for services other than our game. From that point on, I am sure that there will still be browsers that run Flash, in some kind of sandbox form.
But so far not even Adobe has published its final planning, the browsers (except for a few) have not discussed any changes in the handling of the plugins, Sandbox Flash will continue to exist and we have also noted solutions on our part. What nobody knows yet is if/how or at all Adobe provides Flash in code form, browser, usage release or usage "without support" (known e.g. from Windows XP) and so on. Currently, there are still many possibilities and open points, but that you are already worried about a possible end, is unfounded.
Should there ever be a change at any time, in any form whatsoever, we would inform you about it across all platforms. So far this is not even planned.
Se avete bisogno di assistenza, non esitate a contattare il team di supporto in italiano. Non esitate a contattarmi in caso di necessità, ma vi invito a scrivermi in inglese.
Ok but in doing so those like me and many others use the mac can not use your slim browser, because it was developed only for Windows. And then I understand that even your slim browser needs Flash.
E' passato quasi un anno e non si hanno aggiornamenti su questo riguardo, il vostro browser scaricabile non funziona da qualche mese, i mod e supporto sembrano spariti, ci state abbandonando senza dirci nulla ?
Hello Servator,
We are not abandoning the game. There are still upcoming events and updates.
Our team is aware of the issue with the slim browser and is working on optimizing it with the new login process. In the meantime, you can try the workaround in the link below to be able to play the game on the Slim browser (Warning: This requires a bit of technical know-how. This is also from the German forum, but you could use Google Translate to translate it to Italian).
Our Support Team is still around to provide assistance. If you are unable to submit a ticket via the webform, log out from the homepage so you may enter your email address and submit a ticket via the webform. Alternatively, you can email them directly.
Se avete bisogno di assistenza, non esitate a contattare il team di supporto in italiano. Non esitate a contattarmi in caso di necessità, ma vi invito a scrivermi in inglese.
Hello, what about Linux and Mac OS users?
Hi zucchin0,
The slim browser will be optimized by the team with Linux and Mac users in mind too.
In the meantime, you should be able to play the game on your web browser should the workaround in the link above does not work for you.
Se avete bisogno di assistenza, non esitate a contattare il team di supporto in italiano. Non esitate a contattarmi in caso di necessità, ma vi invito a scrivermi in inglese.