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Discussione: Change log 23.11.2022

  1. #1
    Community Manager L'avatar di BB_Sious
    Registrato dal
    Mar 2017

    Change log 23.11.2022

    Technical Updates & New Upcoming Event


    • New event: Technical implementation of a brand new event - coming very soon!
    • New feature: Upgraded some background technology for TSO!

    • Buffs: Several buffs can now be deleted
    • Buffs: The Prestigious Friend Buff will now be applied correctly to newly acquired specialists
    • Buffs: Made the Spiritual Kinship buff tradeable
    • Graphics: Fixed a graphics issue for the Festival Fireworks in the trade menu
    • Misc: The limit of gifts that can be collected from Celebrative Lookouts and Ghost Lanterns has been increased
    • UI: Reworked the Trade History panel to display correct data and optimize performance
    • UI: The battle report will show the correct amount of hitpoints again
    • UI: Fixed an issue that caused numbers over one million to be cut off in certain languages
    • UI: Fixed an issue that could cause the Excelsior UI to become stuck
    • UI: Fixed an issue that prevented scrolling in the description of an item while crafting it
    • UI: The avatar of a visiting friend will now be displayed below the player's avatar
    • UI: Pushed a fix for active adventures not being displayed
    • UI: Made several improvements to the auction system
    This update does not include the fix for the Magnificent Watermills from the Halloween Event Calendar not returning to the Star Menu when demolished; this will be implemented soon and will be clearly signaled across our usual channels so that you're aware. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding!

    You are invited to provide your feedback > here <
    Ultima modifica di BB_Sious; 08.12.22 a 15:30
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