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Discussione: Unity Version - Community Update #2

  1. #1
    Community Manager L'avatar di BB_Sious
    Registrato dal
    Mar 2017

    Unity Version - Community Update #2

    Unity Version Community Update #2

    Dear Settlers,

    With fall already at our door, it seems the year has almost passed. And what a year it has been for the Settlers. Bustling cities were moved to a new technology and while this seems to be achieved, we are far from done.

    As some of you already pointed out, our cooperation with MiPuMi was completed. They were a huge help in moving The Settlers Online to Unity and setting us up for working in this new environment. With the upcoming version, we will add the last bit of code for Unity to the game. This won’t bring any noticeable changes for you but will simplify the development for us. Once that is done we will continue to invest into improving the game further. As stated in one of our earlier messages, our goal is not to keep the Settlers alive but to make them better than ever.

    And this is not all. We are working on two additional topics right now: We are going to update the technology used on the gem shop. This is going to fix loading issues with the shop and improve the overall loading and processing time. We are aiming to push this technology to the live website in the upcoming months.

    The other problem we are going to tackle is that, as you can imagine all the infrastructure on Settlers Online. We are currently looking into solutions for newer server setups, which will enable us to troubleshoot and improve performance more easily. For this topic, however, we still have to ask you for patience. We will make sure to keep you posted as soon as we have a timeframe in sight.

    Now, most of this is work that’s happening behind closed curtains. So what is in store for you right now?

    We are continuing with our regular roadmap of events. As mentioned earlier the next version will mostly bring changes visible to us. In order to make sure there are no unforeseen side effects, Halloween will start only late October this year. Maybe start scouting for a nice plot of land for your pumpkin fields already.

    Thank you for all your patience and trust. In case you need help getting back into the game or migrate your account, you can always reach out to our support team.

    Happy settling,

    You're invited to share your feedback > here <
    Ultima modifica di BB_Sious; 01.10.21 a 15:28
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