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Discussione: [Feedback] The Future of The Settlers Online

  1. #1
    Community Manager L'avatar di BB_Sious
    Registrato dal
    Mar 2017

    [Feedback] The Future of The Settlers Online

    Dear Settlers,

    You are invited to share your ideas and suggestions about the future of our beloved game in this thread.

    Happy commenting!
    Se avete bisogno di assistenza, non esitate a contattare il team di supporto in italiano. Non esitate a contattarmi in caso di necessità, ma vi invito a scrivermi in inglese.

  2. #2

    Registrato dal
    Nov 2012
    I admire everything the Ubisoft Team does and is still doing for us, and for themselves!
    But I must say that all the good will that Ubisoft employs had to think about this eventuality a lot first and if you want to know mine ...
    I can find this post on the forum outside the region.
    For two simple reasons:
    1) I, we, like me many others do not have to find the solution to the problem but it is Uboisoft.
    2) Given the large sums of money that many have spent on packages and doandels in gems, and here I repeat, I, all of us players, do not work for Ubisoft.
    are you the only ones who still haven't found the solution yet?
    and ask us to do it for free?

  3. #3

    Registrato dal
    Jan 2018
    I'll leave my feedback here as I usually do, although it has always been ignored thus far. Same as the other feedbacks from my fellow italian players.
    Like ARMARAL rightfully said, people has bought several gems packages and spent real money on this game; I, for one, have never spent so much for any other videogame in my life. And I buy games all the time (expecially from Ubisoft).
    Starting to face the flash ending of support now is a bit late, don't you think?
    Anyhow, I'll try to be concise and sum my thought in 2 crucial points:

    1. PLAYERS NEED SUPPORT: reply to the threads, have someone who knows italian to reply in the forum for everyone to understand.
    Be willing to solve the problems for real when someone contacts the support; do not copy paste the same crap "delete cookies" or "send us a screenshot"...screenshot of what? Problems that you've been aware of for years? Alright...
    2. The explorers. God, THE EXPLORERS. Nowadays nobody has less than 50 of them, therefore WE NEED a system that allows multiple launch. Period.

    Ultima modifica di ChuckLee; 01.09.20 a 22:09

  4. #4

    Registrato dal
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originariamente inviata da ChuckLee Visualizza il messaggio
    I'll leave my feedback here as I usually do, although it has always been ignored thus far. Same as the other feedbacks from my fellow italian players.
    Like ARMARAL rightfully said, people has bought several gems packages and spent real money on this game; I, for one, have never spent so much for any other videogame in my life. And I buy games all the time (expecially from Ubisoft).
    Starting to face the flash ending of support now is a bit late, don't you think?
    Anyhow, I'll try to be concise and sum my thought in 2 crucial points:

    1. PLAYERS NEED SUPPORT: reply to the threads, have someone who knows italian to reply in the forum for everyone to understand.
    Be willing to solve the problems for real when someone contacts the support; do not copy paste the same crap "delete cookies" or "send us a screenshot"...screenshot of what? Problems that you've been aware of for years? Alright...
    2. The explorers. God, THE EXPLORERS. Nowadays nobody has less than 50 of them, therefore WE NEED a system that allows multiple launch. Period.

    1 )le miniere una volta scoperte dovranno essere subito liv 1 come il marmo pietre .
    2) code di costruzione su tutti gli edifici compreso il rilegatore
    evitare di mettere armi e soldati rari e missioni cooperative nelle quest. perche' non tutti possono fare armi e soldati e avvolte non ci sono giocatori x le cooperative.
    3) Avere la possibilità di inviare simultaneamente cercatori di avventure o tesori con un solo clic senza doverli selezionare uno per uno.
    4 ) poter fare ricariche oltre al pesce e carne anche grano, pietre ecc..
    5) evitare di andare avanti e dietro ( da isola missione a isola base ) per creare oggetti richiesti per terminare le missioni .
    6) aumentare il bonus Spionaggio di 1h ( da 2 ore a 3 ore )
    Ultima modifica di gattogiallo; 17.09.20 a 11:32 Motivo: errore

  5. #5

    Registrato dal
    Mar 2016
    Dove riesco ad appoggiare la testa per dormire
    Hello, I am a veteran of the Italian server and as such I am amazed at your request. How can you think that it is the players who today, at the dawn of a system that has been warning us for 9 months that it will end its course, solve this problem for you?

    However, I think that we can give you indications on some improvements that could still facilitate the use of the game to those who still believe in you and think that this space is really useful.

    1) Having the ability to simultaneously send seekers for adventures or treasure with a single click without having to select them one by one (some of us have over 80 seekers)
    Having the possibility to select directly from the island the generals to send in the open adventures with a single click (perhaps a long click to confirm the sending instead of 3 steps to confirm what you want to do)
    3) Having the possibility to find even fragments of crystals in the adventures of wings or mountains, in order to make the excelsior building use more uniformly.

    And finally anyway thanks for giving us the opportunity to spend hours doing something that has enjoyed us over time. We hope that these are times we shouldn't regret in less than 4 months.
    We trust in you!

  6. #6

    Registrato dal
    Sep 2013
    Please don't close the game. Thank you

  7. #7

    Registrato dal
    Dec 2017
    Referring to MarioGat:

    1) it's the reason for I kinda left the game at easter. I'm sick to spend hours sending seekers and collecting treasures through emails. It's absurd. Is BB payed per click?

    Adding to what MarioGat rightly wrote:

    4) collect all of the incoming treasure mails with a single click
    5) market with multiple items trade in a single transaction

  8. #8

    Registrato dal
    Oct 2015
    Quote Originariamente inviata da MarioGat Visualizza il messaggio
    1) Having the ability to simultaneously send seekers for adventures or treasure with a single click without having to select them one by one (some of us have over 80 seekers)
    Having the possibility to select directly from the island the generals to send in the open adventures with a single click (perhaps a long click to confirm the sending instead of 3 steps to confirm what you want to do)

    a better handling of specialists (generals, explorers and geologists) is long overdue, long time players are hitting the 200 mark and beyond overall

    Quote Originariamente inviata da NewBie4Ever Visualizza il messaggio
    Referring to MarioGat:
    4) collect all of the incoming treasure mails with a single click
    5) market with multiple items trade in a single transaction
    Hi there!
    4 is already implemented, you can mass select mails based on filters: all treasures, all adventures, all reports and so on. after that you can mass accept/delete/send to star

    5) offering TWO different resources in a single transaction? or did I get it wrong?


  9. #9

    Registrato dal
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originariamente inviata da NewBie4Ever Visualizza il messaggio
    Referring to MarioGat:

    1) it's the reason for I kinda left the game at easter. I'm sick to spend hours sending seekers and collecting treasures through emails. It's absurd. Is BB payed per click?

    Adding to what MarioGat rightly wrote:

    4) collect all of the incoming treasure mails with a single click
    5) market with multiple items trade in a single transaction
    4 è già implementato, puoi selezionare in massa le mail in base ai filtri: tutti i tesori, tutte le avventure, tutti i rapporti e così via. dopo di che puoi accettare / cancellare inviare in massa alla stella

  10. #10

    Registrato dal
    Jan 2018
    Seriously? A happy hour? Would you bother take a minute to read this ^^ and leave a reply instead?
    You ask foor feedback and then you don't give a damn about it. This is either to give the players false hopes or to just make fun of us.


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