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Discussione: [Feedback] The Future of The Settlers Online

  1. #11
    Community Manager L'avatar di BB_Sious
    Registrato dal
    Mar 2017
    Dear players,

    Your comments have been forwarded to the team. We will not close the game. Please understand, however, that not all feature requests can be implemented or can be implemented immediately but we will consider all of them. Being able to send multiple Explorers and Geologists in one go is one of the most requested features. It is a bit complicated to add to the game at this time but our team is definitely thinking about it.

    Please keep an eye out for updates, and thanks for your comments!

    Se avete bisogno di assistenza, non esitate a contattare il team di supporto in italiano. Non esitate a contattarmi in caso di necessità, ma vi invito a scrivermi in inglese.

  2. #12

    Registrato dal
    Oct 2013
    Mentre per altre semplici sono 3 o 4 anni che non fate nulla

    é così difficile allungare di qualche centimetro il riquadro d'invio dei generali per mostrarne le truppe e capire quale tra i tanti sia quello giusto da mandare dato che molti sono doppioni?
    Ultima modifica di Servator; 04.09.20 a 14:59

  3. #13

    Registrato dal
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originariamente inviata da BB_Sious Visualizza il messaggio
    Dear players,

    Your comments have been forwarded to the team. We will not close the game. Please understand, however, that not all feature requests can be implemented or can be implemented immediately but we will consider all of them. Being able to send multiple Explorers and Geologists in one go is one of the most requested features. It is a bit complicated to add to the game at this time but our team is definitely thinking about it.

    Please keep an eye out for updates, and thanks for your comments!

    "Being able to send multiple Explorers and Geologists in one go" is a request that has been made YEARS AGO and telling us "it's complicated" does not justify the fact that you've ignored our request for that long of a time.
    Where I work, if I were to tell to a client that what they're asking is complicated, my employer would think I'm not competent at my job and they would be right.
    Get working for what you're paid for.

  4. #14

    Registrato dal
    Jan 2018
    Vorrei rendere noto ai player che BB ha risposto solo perchè l'ho contattato in privato. Altrimenti, come detto prima, non ci cagano di striscio.

  5. #15

    Registrato dal
    Aug 2015
    Please Put a Confirmation dialog for any button that involves the use of the gems.

    Many times I misclick a button and i lose gems and I didn't want to use them to "complete" or to so any thing with it. It's just annoying i take much time to gather gems or i spend money and i don't want to lose gems wihtout even a confirmation i want really to use gems to do something

  6. #16

    Registrato dal
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originariamente inviata da PeTutti Visualizza il messaggio
    Please Put a Confirmation dialog for any button that involves the use of the gems.

    Many times I misclick a button and i lose gems and I didn't want to use them to "complete" or to so any thing with it. It's just annoying i take much time to gather gems or i spend money and i don't want to lose gems wihtout even a confirmation i want really to use gems to do something
    ma ci sta già, anche per un paio di attrezzi ti chiede se vuoi usarli o no, lo stesso per gemme, se poi acconsenti pure lì, non so quante volte te lo devono chiedere :P

  7. #17

    Registrato dal
    Apr 2015
    Trentino A.A., Lombardia, Lazio, Puglia, Calabria
    I agree with most of the players and their proposals, however I would have another request: is it possible to distinguish each general when he is on the march?

    Edit: it could be great also if each premium token could be unified into one icon as it happens for all other identical items.
    We will gain more espace into star menù.
    Ultima modifica di Jupi; 14.09.20 a 00:28

  8. #18

    Registrato dal
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originariamente inviata da Servator Visualizza il messaggio
    ma ci sta già, anche per un paio di attrezzi ti chiede se vuoi usarli o no, lo stesso per gemme, se poi acconsenti pure lì, non so quante volte te lo devono chiedere :P
    no ti garantisco che per molte cose non c'è conferma è ho perso un sacco di gemme per click per sbaglio
    Ultima modifica di PeTutti; 16.09.20 a 17:08

  9. #19

    Registrato dal
    Aug 2015
    Please make send explorers one click on multiple selection of explorers to send to a task all at one. If you have a performance problem, just build a queue like build queue and put generals there, then they will start each with 1-2 seconds delay, i don't care, just i dont want break fingers to do this task everyday... explorers are really too much now... (or just stop making explorers in events lol)

    Please make a dead zone for dragging map around. If you buy a >4000 dpi mouse (eg. razer) when you click anything like a collectible or a building it will drag 1 px and ignore the action you were doing... very annoying bug.

    Please make a feature so that you can auto stop any production on buff end. It will be really nice to have
    Ultima modifica di PeTutti; 16.09.20 a 17:08

  10. #20

    Registrato dal
    Nov 2012
    1) once discovered the mines must be immediately level 1 like marble stones.
    2) construction queues on all buildings including the binder
    avoid putting rare weapons and soldiers and cooperative missions in quests. because not everyone can make weapons and soldiers and sometimes there are no players for cooperatives.
    3) Having the ability to simultaneously send one-click adventure or treasure seekers without having to select them one by one.
    4) being able to refill in addition to fish and meat also wheat, stones, etc.
    5) avoid going back and forth (from mission island to base island) to create items required to finish missions.
    6) increase the espionage bonus by 1h (from 2 hours to 3 hours)


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