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Discussione: problema di collegamento

  1. #1

    Registrato dal
    Dec 2012

    problema di collegamento

    Salve a tutti, vorrei segnalare un problema. Quando effettuo il login e clicco sul pulsante "Gioca" e la barra del caricamento si riempie, appare la schermata con gli aggiornamenti, ma al posto della mia città appare una schermata completamente blu. Cosa posso fare per risolvere il problema? Grazie anticipate.

  2. #2

    Registrato dal
    Jan 2013
    damlyon nn so se a te questo problema si è verificato solo adesso ma a molti è dal 21 che affligge!!! nn so ke dirti i programmatori ci hanno detto ke stanno lavorando al suo ripristino ma niente circa la data di fine del problema!!! speriamo solo ke tutto si risolva al + presto

  3. #3
    L'avatar di Tweety33
    Registrato dal
    Jan 2013
    salve a tutti,
    pure io ho lo stesso problema da ieri sera (

  4. #4

    Registrato dal
    Dec 2012
    ah ho capito grazie, il fatto che non sia soltanto un problema mio mi rassicura, speriamo si risolva davvero tutto al più presto.

  5. #5
    Former Community Team member L'avatar di BB_Nonox
    Registrato dal
    Oct 2012
    Ciao Damlyon,
    a quanto pare c'è un problema di login che affligge alcuni giocatori. A quanto pare sei uno dei fortunati
    I nostri sviluppatori stanno facendo del loro meglio per ripristinare la situazione.
    Vi ringraziamo per la pazienza e fiducia accordataci.
    La mia casella postale è chiusa. Vi invito a scrivere a BB_Lyedra in inglese o contattare il team di supporto in italiano.

  6. #6

    Registrato dal
    Dec 2012
    entro anche io nel club....=(non mi fa entrare...=(

  7. #7

    Registrato dal
    Nov 2012
    è da martedi' che il server per me è off line solita schermata "inizializzazione coda ligin" che si blocca
    ho provato con 3 bronswer (firefox, internet explorer e opera) tutti aggiornati , come flash player, abilitati cookie e plugin come pure pop up.
    con tutti e 3 provo ad accedere sempre facebook ma nisba.
    tramite opera mi è apparsa questa schermata d'errore tra la schermata d'effettivo accesso tramite facebook e la schermata "gioca" (chi ci capisce provveda ....)
    The autoupdate mechanism activated.
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: top
    Line 8:
    ay:block;height:15px;position:absolute;right:18px; top:17px;width:15px;top:8px\9;
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: right
    Line 8:
    ght:15px;position:absolute;right:18px;top:17px;wid th:15px;top:8px\9;right:7px\9}
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Declaration syntax error
    Line 29:
    alog_horiz_bottom{position:absolute;background:#52 5252;filter:alpha(opacity=70);
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 50:
    x 1px -1px inset;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA),
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 50:
    set;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA), to(#2C4987))
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 50:
    et;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA), to(#2C4987));
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background
    Line 50:
    et;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA), to(#2C4987));
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 57:
    touchable_button{background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#4966A6),
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: display
    Line 67:
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 75:
    .fb_iframe_widget_loader iframe{min-height:32px;z-index:2;zoom:1}
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Declaration syntax error
    Line 149:
    ode=="CSS1Compat"? document.documentElement.scrollTop+"px":body.scrol lTop+"px")}
    [27/01/13 22.20.54] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Declaration syntax error
    Line 157:
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -khtml-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -khtml-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    -radius:10px;-webkit-box-shadow:0px 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.50);-khtml-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    gba(0,0,0,0.50);-khtml-box-shadow:0px 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.50);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -ms-filter is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    x 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.50);box-shadow:0px 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.50);-ms-filter:
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Declaration syntax error
    Line 61:
    gidXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=5,Direct ion=180,Color='#000000')}
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -khtml-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    ediabox/loading.gif) no-repeat center;-webkit-box-shadow:none;-khtml-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    no-repeat center;-webkit-box-shadow:none;-khtml-box-shadow:none;-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -khtml-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 67:
    10px 10px;margin:20px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;-khtml-border-radius:5px;-moz-bo
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 67:
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-position
    Line 122:
    emes/siedler/images/common/button.png);background-position:no-repeat top center;
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 127:
    [27/01/13 22.21.45] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1759034585
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -khtml-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 127:
    [27/01/13 22.21.46] CSS - http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like...1&locale=it_IT
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 18:
    [27/01/13 22.21.46] CSS - http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like...1&locale=it_IT
    Inlined stylesheet
    -ms-high-contrast-adjust is an unknown property
    Line 93:
    .sx_like_thumb{background-position:-0px -45px}i.img{-ms-high-contrast-adjust:non
    [27/01/13 22.21.46] CSS - http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like...1&locale=it_IT
    Inlined stylesheet
    _overflow is an unknown property
    Line 93:
    mb{background-position:-0px -45px}i.img{-ms-high-contrast-adjust:none;_overflow:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: display
    Line 1:
    .a-f-e{position:relative;display:-moz-inline-box;display:inline-block}* html .a-
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -webkit-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -ms-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    w:hover{-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.2);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    :active{-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 3px rgba(101,101,101,.2);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    }.Bh.gw{-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.2);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    w:hover{-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.2);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    .Bh.gw:active{-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.2);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    ;border-top:1px solid #842114}.SXa{-webkit-border-radius:3px;-moz-border-radius:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.21.47] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.04] JavaScript - https://www.facebook.com/login.php?a...85650&rcount=1
    User Javascript thread
    Opera has modified the JavaScript on www.facebook.com (PATCH-1055, Facebook - Work around issue where Flash does not call JS when expected
    PATCH-852, facebook: avoid unwanted chat box scroll
    PATCH-923, facebook: work around lack of pointer-events blocking video playback
    PATCH-954, facebook: work around lack of pointer-events breaking group page photos). See browser.js for details
    [27/01/13 22.22.04] JavaScript - https://www.facebook.com/login.php?a...85650&rcount=1
    User Javascript thread
    Opera has modified the JavaScript on www.facebook.com (0, Facebook). See browser.js for details
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 104:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 137:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: border-bottom-color
    Line 166:
    :-o-linear-gradient(bottom, #dddde1, #e7e7eb);border-bottom-color:#c6c6ca solid;
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: border-top-color
    Line 166:
    dde1, #e7e7eb);border-bottom-color:#c6c6ca solid;border-top-color:#c6c6ca solid;
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -o-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 205:
    .fbChatOrderedList .separator{display:table;height:32px;-o-user-select:none}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 582:
    #globalContainer{margin:0 auto;position:relative;zoom:1}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: cursor
    Line 642:
    .FriendLink span.friendButton, .FriendLink span.outgoingButton{cursor:hand;curso
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: pointer-events
    Line 1043:
    bPhotoSnowliftPivotHover .fbPhotosPhotoTagboxes .tagPointer{pointer-events:auto}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 1051:
    ge.hovercardPivotHover .hovercardContent .photoWrap{display:inline-block;zoom:1;
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 1052:
    overcardPivotHover .hovercardContent .uiScaledThumb{display:inline-block;zoom:1;
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 1055:
    hovercardPivotHover .fbPhotoTagHovercardAttribution{display:inline-block;zoom:1;
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 1356:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: min-height
    Line 2065:
    .shareRedesign .exploded .shareText{min-height:initial}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    word-break is an unknown property
    Line 2078:
    .uiStreamMessage, .uiAttachmentTitle, .uiAttachmentDesc{word-break:break-word;wo
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 2115:
    .uiStreamAttachments .truncatedMediaInfo{display:table;zoom:1}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 2374:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 2428:
    5, .85);border:1px solid #3b5998;border:1px solid rgba(59, 89, 153, .65);zoom:1}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -ms-high-contrast-adjust is an unknown property
    Line 2444:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    _overflow is an unknown property
    Line 2444:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 2561:
    ionsTextarea, .uiMentionsInput .mentionsTypeahead{background:transparent;zoom:1}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 2585:
    .uiMenu .uiMenuItemPlus{position:relative;zoom:1}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -o-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 2716:
    ack{bottom:2px;display:block;position:absolute;rig ht:2px;top:2px;-o-user-select:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: max-width
    Line 2756:
    .uiVideoThumb img[width]{max-width:auto}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    below is an unknown property
    Line 2777:
    .uiContextualLayerAboveRight .uiMenuXShortBorder{below:-1px;top:auto}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -o-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 2809:
    v .item, .uiSideNav .subitem{margin-left:20px;margin-right:-20px;-o-user-select:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 2860:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 2864:
    .uiTooltipX .tooltipText span{zoom:1}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 2948:
    .uiTypeahead .innerWrap{overflow:hidden;zoom:1}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 2977:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    fontSize is an unknown property
    Line 2978:
    .clearFix:after{clear:both;content:".";display:blo ck;fontSize:0;height:0;lineHei
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    lineHeight is an unknown property
    Line 2978:
    arFix:after{clear:both;content:".";display:block;f ontSize:0;height:0;lineHeight:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...bdP3hBOpE7.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: width
    Line 2982:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...vktUI6MufC.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -o-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 377:
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...vktUI6MufC.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: cursor
    Line 413:
    div.ego_unit_container div.clickable{cursor:hand;cursorointer}
    [27/01/13 22.22.05] CSS - https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc...vktUI6MufC.css
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -o-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 415:
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -khtml-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -khtml-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    -radius:10px;-webkit-box-shadow:0px 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.50);-khtml-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    gba(0,0,0,0.50);-khtml-box-shadow:0px 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.50);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -ms-filter is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    x 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.50);box-shadow:0px 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.50);-ms-filter:
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Declaration syntax error
    Line 61:
    gidXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=5,Direct ion=180,Color='#000000')}
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -khtml-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    ediabox/loading.gif) no-repeat center;-webkit-box-shadow:none;-khtml-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 61:
    no-repeat center;-webkit-box-shadow:none;-khtml-box-shadow:none;-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -khtml-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 67:
    10px 10px;margin:20px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;-khtml-border-radius:5px;-moz-bo
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 67:
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-position
    Line 122:
    emes/siedler/images/common/button.png);background-position:no-repeat top center;
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 127:
    [27/01/13 22.22.24] CSS - http://static3.thesettlersonline.it/...s&v=1774073831
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -khtml-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 127:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: display
    Line 1:
    .a-f-e{position:relative;display:-moz-inline-box;display:inline-block}* html .a-
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -webkit-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -ms-user-select is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    w:hover{-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.2);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    :active{-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 3px rgba(101,101,101,.2);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    }.Bh.gw{-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.2);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    w:hover{-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.2);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-box-shadow is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    .Bh.gw:active{-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.2);-moz-box-shadow:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    -moz-border-radius is an unknown property
    Line 1:
    ;border-top:1px solid #842114}.SXa{-webkit-border-radius:3px;-moz-border-radius:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.29] CSS - https://plusone.google.com/_/apps-st...rUxDFYRvTvNA4g
    Linked-in stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background-image
    Line 1:
    [27/01/13 22.22.30] CSS - https://www.facebook.com/plugins/lik...1&locale=it_IT
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 18:
    [27/01/13 22.22.30] CSS - https://www.facebook.com/plugins/lik...1&locale=it_IT
    Inlined stylesheet
    -ms-high-contrast-adjust is an unknown property
    Line 93:
    .sx_like_thumb{background-position:-0px -45px}i.img{-ms-high-contrast-adjust:non
    [27/01/13 22.22.30] CSS - https://www.facebook.com/plugins/lik...1&locale=it_IT
    Inlined stylesheet
    _overflow is an unknown property
    Line 93:
    mb{background-position:-0px -45px}i.img{-ms-high-contrast-adjust:none;_overflow:
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: top
    Line 8:
    ay:block;height:15px;position:absolute;right:18px; top:17px;width:15px;top:8px\9;
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: right
    Line 8:
    ght:15px;position:absolute;right:18px;top:17px;wid th:15px;top:8px\9;right:7px\9}
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Declaration syntax error
    Line 29:
    alog_horiz_bottom{position:absolute;background:#52 5252;filter:alpha(opacity=70);
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 50:
    x 1px -1px inset;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA),
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 50:
    set;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA), to(#2C4987))
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 50:
    et;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA), to(#2C4987));
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background
    Line 50:
    et;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA), to(#2C4987));
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 57:
    touchable_button{background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#4966A6),
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: display
    Line 67:
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 76:
    .fb_iframe_widget_loader iframe{min-height:32px;z-index:2;zoom:1}
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Declaration syntax error
    Line 150:
    ode=="CSS1Compat"? document.documentElement.scrollTop+"px":body.scrol lTop+"px")}
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Declaration syntax error
    Line 158:
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: right
    Line 8:
    ght:15px;position:absolute;right:18px;top:17px;wid th:15px;top:8px\9;right:7px\9}
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Declaration syntax error
    Line 29:
    alog_horiz_bottom{position:absolute;background:#52 5252;filter:alpha(opacity=70);
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 50:
    x 1px -1px inset;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA),
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 50:
    set;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA), to(#2C4987))
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 50:
    et;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA), to(#2C4987));
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background
    Line 50:
    et;background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#738ABA), to(#2C4987));
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 57:
    touchable_button{background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#4966A6),
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Unrecognized function
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: background
    Line 58:
    color-stop(0.5, #355492), to(#2A4887));border:1px solid #29447e;-webkit-backgrou
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: display
    Line 67:
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Invalid value for property: zoom
    Line 76:
    .fb_iframe_widget_loader iframe{min-height:32px;z-index:2;zoom:1}
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Declaration syntax error
    Line 150:
    ode=="CSS1Compat"? document.documentElement.scrollTop+"px":body.scrol lTop+"px")}
    [27/01/13 22.23.35] CSS - http://www.thesettlersonline.it/it/gioca
    Inlined stylesheet
    Declaration syntax error
    Line 158:

  8. #8

    Registrato dal
    Jan 2013
    Salve cari moderatori e sviluppatori, anche io da ieri primo pomeriggio ho lo stesso problema di Damlyon. Vi prego risolvetelo al più presto!!! Grazie

  9. #9
    L'avatar di cHARLIE
    Registrato dal
    Dec 2012
    Ciao a tutti.
    Anche io, da oggi, non riesco più ad entrare.
    Ho provato sia con Firefox che con Internet explorer.
    Ieri sera ho svuotato le caches ed ho pulito tutto ed oggi si presenta il problema!

  10. #10
    Former Community Team member L'avatar di BB_Nonox
    Registrato dal
    Oct 2012
    Il problema dovrebbe essere stato risolto.
    Vi prego di inoltrare i vostri feedback dell'ultimo Hotfix, nel seguente post
    La mia casella postale è chiusa. Vi invito a scrivere a BB_Lyedra in inglese o contattare il team di supporto in italiano.


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