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Discussione: Crisis Quest - The Bandit's Counterattack

  1. #1
    Community Manager L'avatar di BB_Sious
    Registrato dal
    Mar 2017

    Crisis Quest - The Bandit's Counterattack

    Dear Settlers,

    We're in a time of crisis again: In "The Bandit's Counterattack" oriental looters are planning to steal the riches from your island.

    • Start: Tuesday, September 19th, 10:00 CEST
    • Runtime: 1 week (until September 26th, 10 CEST)
    • Who: Levels 16-75

    A Crisis Quest is a quest chain that can only be completed during a limited period of time. These quests have only been available a few times before and are making a comeback due to popular demand.

    What do I need to know?
    • The Crisis Quest will be triggered automatically for players level 16 and above
    • It is divided into 6 tiers: 16-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56-65 and 66-75
    • Each level range has its own quest chain which consists of: 1 main quest, 4 stage quests, and 13 sub-quests
    • Quest goals and rewards will match the players' level.
    What about the rewards?

    The main reward for completing the Crisis Quest is a special Residence, the "Watchtower".
    It provides space for 120 Settlers.

    Finishing sub-quest and stage quests will grant rewards that include XP, resources, and Gems.
    Complete the entire quest chain and receive more significant rewards, according to the level range you're in:

    What did we change since last time?

    The quest requirements are similar to the last Crisis QUest- but for this Crisis, we added an additional main reward, the "Watchtower".

    You are invited to provide feedback > here <

    Happy questing!
    Ultima modifica di BB_Sious; 19.09.17 a 08:10
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