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Discussione: International Book Lovers Day!

  1. #1
    Community Manager L'avatar di BB_Sious
    Registrato dal
    Mar 2017

    International Book Lovers Day!

    Dear settlers,

    Celebrate Book Lovers Day with the rest of the bibliomaniacs by sharing the books your settlers are reading!

    Here are some examples: "Lord Dracula", "The Adventures of The Lucky Explorer", "The Great (Wild) Mary", "One Hundred Years of Settlitude", "Anna Settlerenina", "The Catcher in the Wheat Field", "The Wizard of Excelsior", "The Courageous Explorer's Travels", "The Stories of Anton Settkhov", "The Count of Red Mountains" and "Snow White and the Seven Settlers".

    Can you think of "original" titles?

    Happy reading,

    PS: Have you checked your in-game mails already?
    Ultima modifica di BB_Sious; 10.08.17 a 09:57
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