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Discussione: URL Change: HTTP >> HTTPS

  1. #1
    Community Manager L'avatar di BB_Sious
    Registrato dal
    Mar 2017

    URL Change: HTTP >> HTTPS


    Dear players,

    As of yesterday, our websites are redirected from http to https. Our Content Distribution Network (CDN) is by "Akamai" and only the Akamai domain where a valid SSL certificate is installed supports https links. In case the old URL is still referenced, an SSL certificate browser error will occur, as that domain is not supposed to be used for https links:

    Our websites or forums may still reference HTTP. If this is the case, a warning regarding unsafe content will be displayed. It can be ignored:

    Due to this change, it may happen that you are unable to play the game: therefore, please make sure you allow/activate the Flash Player on the site, as we now use the Akamai Content Delivery Network.

    In case you are experiencing technical issues caused by the change, please contact our customer support.

    Happy settling,
    The Settlers Online Team

    Ultima modifica di BB_Sious; 25.07.17 a 14:32
    Se avete bisogno di assistenza, non esitate a contattare il team di supporto in italiano. Non esitate a contattarmi in caso di necessità, ma vi invito a scrivermi in inglese.

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