Dear Wild mary,
I'm seriously hoping that the adventure someone dedicated to you
will soon be rebalanced.
I don't hate you, just the adventure.

<-- seems legit.

Community Team

Originariamente inviata da
Dear Wild mary,
I'm seriously hoping that the adventure someone dedicated to you
will soon be rebalanced.
I don't hate you, just the adventure.
To bri0sheje,
Honesty is the best way to go. When you mentioned to-do list, did you mean that there will be more of these? Thank you for participating!
Se avete bisogno di assistenza, non esitate a contattare il
team di supporto in italiano. Non esitate a contattarmi in caso di necessità, ma vi invito a scrivermi in inglese.
Community Team

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My dear fortunello I write the letter as if you were Santa Claus remember me not return empty-handed , and remember the way ( at least you do not forget )

To GoldenCurls,
Thanks for participating! Short and simple is a good approach!
Se avete bisogno di assistenza, non esitate a contattare il
team di supporto in italiano. Non esitate a contattarmi in caso di necessità, ma vi invito a scrivermi in inglese.
Dear Ravin Rabbid,
I'm writing to give you my solidarity of friend.
Of course it is not nice to have the ears pulled every day
because someone believes that this brings luck in the loot .
But you're the only one on the island that is different ,
that also communicates, if it is only a shriek.
So do not be angry , I ask you to be patient a little longer,
at least until I win an Arabian palace !
PS : If you see the Princess tell her to be a little less stingy !
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